Thursday, August 31, 2017

Trust in the Process

So many things going well in my life, however, I am experiencing some difficulties as well. I have had some very negative reactions from people that I know well, for example at work.  I am also experiencing  some negative feelings myself, as a result of this indepth work, for examples with the chakra.  I am able to deal and handle the emotions, even though at times this is hard.  I am wondering if anyone else is experiencing these changes in emotions, feelings or shifts that arise?  I have ways that I am dealing with these issues, such as meditation, music, journaling, however, I also am wondering if others are having these experiences and if so,  how do you deal with them.? Many thanks, Peace and Love, Patty

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Losses and the gratitude of love

This morning my former brother-in-law, Giuseppe (Joe), passed away. He had been married to my sister for many years. They eventually divorced, but Ike and I and our kids stayed in touch with Joe and still considered him part of the family. A proud Italian man, Joe had many old-world views and for my sister he was not always the easiest person to deal with. Yet there was in him a deep sense of integrity and loyalty. He always said he was "blown away" that we continued to regard him as a family member. He always returned a favour, and part of his Italian "old-world" approach was his impeccable manners.

Joe taught me some of his best Italian recipes (he was an accomplished chef), most notably his unique lasagna, which is always a big hit whenever I serve it for dinner. He also coached me in Italian pronunciation during the days I sang classical music, albeit with a northern Italian accent since he hailed from Milan. He and I also shared a passion for Frank Sinatra's performances. At one of Joe's birthdays I gave him a multi-album set of "Frankie" which he played incessantly and drove my sister to distraction. Joe taught both my children to ski and amusingly to swear in Italian. My son Adam got in trouble in grade seven for calling his teacher a "chooch" and to "va fungool", not realizing that the teacher, Mr. Pizzuti, was Italian and knew the slang.

What does this have to do with the "Living As If" course? Well, for me, learning today of Joe's passing reminded me that it's so important to tell those whom we love how we feel before it's too late, and to do so is a high vibrational act because words convey energy. I did tell Joe on several occasions that I loved him like a brother, but I don't think I said it often enough, especially toward the end of his life. I knew he was ailing...battling pulmonary fibrosis--but somehow I felt he would always be around. Last Christmas when we talked at our regular Christmas call, we joked on the phone and talked about current events. I could hear that his breathing was laboured, yet his spirits were good, so I just thought he would be around for another Christmas.

I also know that Joe is not gone, but has simply gone to a different vibration, and I believe he can hear me as I "talk" to him. Joe's son, my nephew Antony, has flown to BC to arrange the cremation and then will bring the ashes back to Ontario where Joe's ashes will be buried beside his older son, Rick, who pre-deceased him, and next to his mother and father in Toronto. Antony has asked Ike to do the memorial service sometime in September, and so I take comfort in being able to be part of laying my precious brother by marriage in his final resting place. I think this is Spirit's way of reminding us that no one we love is ever truly lost.

This all relates to an aspect of the course I'm working on now--that of speaking empowering words. And so I say to Joe: Arrivederci, Giuseppe, e tuo core di grazia. Sempre te amo."


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Sandy feet, a Siamese, and Oneness

Back to the beach and grateful for so many things, so many moments, so many simple joys. and  the chance to blog:

Yesterday I talked with four friends about their individual eclipse experience. Each had a very personal and unique encounter with the minutes of midday near-darkness. My  own experience was underwhelming at best in comparison to each of my friends. Some felt the temperature drop drastically, some the quieting of wildlife, others felt an energetic shift, and had an emotional reaction. Some had pets that acted strangely. I had none of these. Well, only my friend's Siamese who uncharacteristically wanted to be let outside with me, only to immediately climb a set of stairs and demand to be let in to the house again through a slider on the upper level. I complied. According to her mom, strange behavior indeed for this indoor only scaredy cat. 

There was no one nearby to talk with about what was or was not occurring. The live streaming NASA feed I watched on my iPhone allowed me to feel some sort of connection with the rest of the world, but other than that, I very well may have been the only human on the planet. And I went with that thought, as I imagined what the ancients experienced during eclipses thousands of years ago. I dove into my friend's pool and observed the dimmed dappled light on the water, and felt myself connected with another self of me, an ancient one in a swimming hole surrounded by tropical plants. It was a bit otherworldly for a moment. But just a moment. Nothing to write much about. Truth be told, when I returned to my present self, I felt a bit lonely and isolated, and the accompanying emotions have spilled over to today. 

For those of you who don't know me, I've recently stepped completely out of my old comfort zone and am in a constant state of change and release.  While I've always looked to nature for guidance, especially animals, and heed their messages, that practice is even more prevalent now since I'm on my own. Sometimes this can feel isolating. Yet sometimes at the same moment it is all-connecting. And that is where my a-ha arises. 

I did not need to experience a groundbreaking extravaganza during yesterday's eclipse. There was no major energetic shift I felt because my life is in a state of energetic shift moment to moment. This is part of the process of Ascension. And I'm ok with that. Because while yesterday  marked a monumental shift of a new energy, the birth of the Divine feminine, the opportunity to look at our shadow self and see the light that cannot be blocked emanating out as petals on an enormous black-eyed-Susan flower, those of us who have been the light bearers, the keepers of the ascension flame, we're already well on our way. And we welcome the rest of the world, who although they thought they were observing a scientific astronomical event, will now nevertheless be affected by this Light. 

So, this evening my sandy feet and I sit on a boulder listening to salty waves crash. In complete gratitude, I'm feeling a bit more connected to a few million more observers of the Light. Whether they know it or not. 

Tonight it poured and poured.  I love the rain, so refreshingly to the senses.   So much clearing off of the old as I listen to the constant drumming of the rain on the balcony, the mist of water that is blowing into the living room and I am invigorated and made new. I feel and imagine the water of this rain outside,  I lift my face to this imaginary rain flow and hear the music of the rain drops, the smell that these many tiny drops falling as one in this multitude that makes the storm and I am cleansed  and again as I continue to lift my face up to accept this marvellous gift from the sky, I am cleansed in body, soul and mind, I feel the water as it flows over my face, down, down, down into Mother Earth many floor below. I am at Peace surrounded by Love.  I am Clean, I am Love, I am Whole. I love the rain.  Peace and Love Patty


My initial experience of "Living As If Already Whole" started with a massive clearing. It came in the form of a medical event. I had gone up to my daughter's place to look after my grandsons for a few days, but the day I arrived there I was overcome with severe abdominal pain. I was taken to the Peterborough Hospital where the medical team informed me that I had a badly infected gall bladder that required immediate surgery. So off I went to the operating room where a superb (and very compassionate) surgeon removed my gall bladder. I'm just now at the three-week mark of recovery and am feeling great.

I realized that the gall bladder stores bile. The ancient Greeks associated the element of bile in the body with anger. Through much of the work I've been doing with Mark prior to this course, processing anger associated with early inner child experiences often became a focus (along with grief, sadness, etc). Much had been cleared. But my body did a final "revolution" in forcing the removal of all the excess bile (anger) stored in the gall bladder. I experienced this event as a huge clearing. As I recovered, I found myself feeling lighter and calmer. I'm not suggesting that it should take a surgical intervention to clear energy, but I do think there are times when the body will take over and do it for us...the final bits we are resisting.

This was a wake-up call for me--the idea that body and spirit, being entwined, need continual attention to the energies so that physical interventions will NOT be necessary, if caught in time. It made me grateful to my body for sending me the message loud and clear. It made me grateful to have the restoration of health. And it made me grateful to be in this course!

It could be the case that all of us in the course will be going through some kind of clearing, perhaps not as dramatic as needing doctors, but nevertheless energies that will present themselves to be acknowledged, experienced, and cleared.

In the first session on the Aquarian implants, the exercise I did indicated that I have 20 implants to discover. One of them is about creativity and trusting the creative process within me. The process I talked with Mark about was the one about speaking energetic words of truth. I make my living through words...writing words, speaking words, teaching words. Throat chakra work has become important to me, and increasingly I find myself speaking from an energetic truth, and that I want to carry this into everything I communicate from this day forward.

This course, right at its beginnings, is so rich, so life-affirming, so joyful, and empowering...I awake each day feeling gratitude to be here in the course, and with you all as my fellow travellers on this path.

How DOES it get better than this!!!!

Many blessings,

Monday, August 21, 2017

Went out to the porch and sat in the forest around my place about 10 minutes before the total solar eclipse. We are in the 60+% zone so it would have the sense of early evening. When i went out to the porch I saw the little bunny that has been a regular visitor for the last week scamper in to the bush. In some ways she represented the wash of fear that often peppers moments of living when in the rising influence of potential change we so easily run for the cover. The reminder of a process in motion is appreciated. That wash of the old ways sweeps through attempting to divert the knowing, the growing clarity, the acclimation of new, increasing levels of higher vibration. How quickly we can reach back to reassure that the familiar is still there, taking hands with the old beliefs that have never really served us well...but at least allowed us to survive. This is the day, perhaps. if you choose, when that old strategy is buried...

The forest is so still. Even the human activity has stopped from around the forest area. The animals all trust the flow. They do not appear to analyze or second guess the now moment. They simply respond and do what must be done...allow and witness. At the point when the NASA feed on the computer inside declared total eclipse I felt my heart open enough to release a wash of tears, pushing away the ignorance and learned fear and reactivating the wonder within.

North, in a swath that runs diagonally through Oregon, starting in Lincoln City (where I have shared music, slept in a cheap hotel on the beach, sat on the wide sand feeling the waves, and washed my feet and spirit in the loving waters of the Pacific Ocean), there were large gatherings of people called to witness a Celestial Event, a Mother Nature's greatest hits experience...a collective of intention to gather as one to be present in a transformational and activating moment. I felt a pang of being left out of that gathering and the amplification of the deeper awakening that was infiltrating the crowd whether they realized it or not...yet I was alone in my forest, me and the inner knowing that just keeps flowing up and revealing Me to me. It was stirring and I felt so connected with the natural world...I am a welcome friend of the sun, calling upon his wisdom and coding on a daily basis. We have relationship, you might say. In the moment when it took away its stellar, familiar influence in tandem with his Sister Moon dance, I felt recharged and reminded of the symphony of life on all levels. It all works together to deliver a magnificent moment over and over. And I, as I open my arms and heart and mind, am the blessed receiver of that unwavering Grace.

As soon as the Light began to return, as if on cue, the forest woke up. Like a second morning wake up the birds began their song, the squirrels awoke from their Einstein nap and found the ground again in their search for food and good times. The Light grew noticeably and my tears flowed freely, stirred by witnessing a celestial moment that was deeply personal.

I continued to check in on the NASA moments as the eclipse traversed the towns and people across the nation and saw over and over the moments of total eclipse, preceded by the diamond light and bursting forth in the corona that revealed a silhouette of the moon as well as provided a naked look into the energetic blessing that daily feeds us from the sun. The camera kept jumping away from the spectacle to the announcers and the crowds of people looking skyward through their approved glasses...oohs and aahs and applause and testimony of goose bumps all over. Humanity wakes up and not a moment too soon. This eclipse, though predicted and known about, is much bigger than even NASA can present.

America needs a jump start. The reboot of the old program is actuated and the energetics are infiltrating the multi dimensional atoms and molecules of you and me...and everyone, to activate the greater remembering. The show that has been part of our country for the last 6 months is revealing the specifics of what must be jettisoned for humanity to finally thrive together. The old ways simply do not work. The cost has been too great, the wounds have been too deep and obvious...the wake up call has come again. Yes...Wake up, life...give us this new day to accept the truth of our being, to move forth out of the ignorance and patterning and false beliefs that are now showing themselves in naked revelation...each of which has new and conclusive evidence that the old ways do not work. These are new times...

You are invited along with all of humanity to say yes to this moment that holds the keys to your revelation that You are so much more than you have allowed. With the bursting forth of the diamond as the total eclipse passed, the cheers signaled the release of hesitation and activated the resources from within to co-partner with the sun to brings us home...good morning, good morning, good morning indeed.

As an exclamation point, NASA just revealed they have discovered, in deep space, at least 2500 exoplanets (located outside of our solar system) that likely support life. I call that good news...awareness is exponentially expanding to reveal the precious inner workings of the design of you and me and beyond...

Here comes the sun and I's all right.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Hi Everyone,
I was just making an entry in my Living As If journal and wanted to share this with you. Today I went to Costco for gas while running errands. Mark’s song “Wake Up” was playing in my car. It’s such a great song. Among other things, it reminds me to be consciously aware of what is going on around me and my reactions and responses to what is happening. As I was focusing on my transaction at the pump while wondering if I was going to be able to complete everything I was attempting to do in one day after an exceptionally busy 2 weeks, I heard a man’s voice on the other side of the pump say “Hello young lady, can I pump that gas for you?” Then an older woman’s voice responded with “you don’t work here.” He said “no, but I worked at a gas station when I was young so I’m sure I know how to do it.” As they both chuckled, I changed my position a little so I could see them. I saw a very senior woman who was struggling a bit with a cane. While the gas was flowing, he asked her how her day had been. Her face brightened up as she said her friends had taken her to lunch for her birthday and how wonderful it was. Then he said: “Happy birthday! And what do you know; I’m on my way to meet friends for dinner to celebrate my birthday! How nice that we can wish each other a happy birthday!”  They both laughed and I saw her face light up even more, with a childlike twinkle in her eyes, as she straightened up on that cane. As I smiled myself, I was reminded that it really only takes a moment in our busy lives to pause and brighten up someone’s day as well as our own. So, universe, bring on more opportunities to pause for those moments. J

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Hi again folks,

     Thinking about this still as I had my bath, I realize I can express  the comments below in a slightly different way,  in the intention of "Living As If.......
     I  do  like thinking to myself that with this  work we are doing, I  will be able to distinguish more  clearly whether  I am truly discovering my spiritual memories or aspects of the holy plan when an image or idea comes to mind.  In the meantime, it is important to remember  my tendency as a human to conceive of God in my own image, and always ask the question :  "Does this seem like part of the larger picture?"
But how to know?

Hello to you beautiful ladies, and Mark,              

   I am seeking your wisdom, on a question which arises for me after talking with Mark yesterday. I  became aware that what I had imagined as  a possibility for a  purpose we as spiritual beings might have incarnated as humans , or repeatedly reincarnate,  probably was influenced by the tendency for us to imagine God or  the activity of God in our own image, rather than the other way around.
So I am wondering how not to do this in  reflections about the larger picture,.  "Why are we here?", is something that I ponder about a lot.
When I have an idea ,  I do say to myself, "This might be part of the truth,  or perhaps a clue to the larger picture, or perhaps nothing at all to do with the  real truth about things..   I do not like the idea of  always saying to myself :  "Who am I  anyway to think myself ultimately able to  'get it'  or at least a 'bit of it',?"
     How would I know if what I found myself thinking about  during all this holy work we will be doing was  a beginning recovery of  those holy memories, of our celestial template, or just the humble thoughts of a human only able to conceive of God in my own image ?
 I would love to know what you think!

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Great to see everyone on here...almost everyone, still one out there. Please use this for sharing and reflection and questions and discussions. Putting these new paradigms and tools into action is a process that can be beautifully supported by all. This blog is private so please move towards transparency in your sharing. That level of sharing is a permission giver for others to do the same.

On another note, my precious, although damaged upper left molar sits in a plastic bag on my desk, an ode to those good ol' got all my teeth days. I plan on putting it under my pillow tonight. Do not know if the good fairy has an age limit. Likely have some new information by morning.

And delighted that there is very little (none) pain or discomfort at all. Just a big ol pit that holds that magnificent blood clot which will soon turn into a solid oh my, this human body is a major marvel!

I send you well wishes and gratitudes for authoring up here on the blog. So, now, let's move beyond the testing phase and drop some reflections on one another. We all have something to offer/say...despite what our previous programming says. This is not a contest or a gathering of thespians/editors/Shakespeare's/wizards/novelists/ know what I mean...Looking forward to that flow of personals as well as the evolution of the sharing here...
TThis is a test.  Hope it works!!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Fellow Travelers
I'd like to say all is is. Although I am still with tooth. Went in today for my extraction and was informed that this was a consultation and the extraction would be next week...ah, yes, the system. Bring me in to tell me what I already know I need and charge handsomely for the 8 minutes of "yup, that's what you need". Then... send me out to the desk to set up the earliest appointment, Friday after next. I must say, I was not happy. Even applying all the breathing and flowing I could I still had to allow the frustration with old ways and such manners of disrespect to surface after I left.... The only way they picked it up in the office was a slightly elevated BP and heart rate...which they chalked up as common nerves about the visit. Sigh...
I feel particularly frustrated that although I was gone at the appointment for several hours with travel, that I was not compromised to do the sessions. Looking, however, at the big perspective I see that the adjustment in the format was necessary and that is why it unfolded. I will be facilitating the sessions next Tuesday and Wednesday just like I established...and I will have the extraction on Friday, the 18th.
And, am I in discomfort...yes, but not enough to be moved to an earlier appointment. I do not want to feign a more amplified condition to get in as I may just manifest one...given that the energies of manifesting are speeding up. And, I just received two new books of great relevance for this Session One and am digging in. I love the flow....though some times it sure can be a pain in the ass...
Blessings and lots of Love to the Oral Surgeon

Saturday, August 5, 2017

My Fellow Adventurer
I want to inform you of some potential changes in the flow of our course.

As I put this foundation together I was aware that it carried a sweeping scope that would require a significant amount of time and effort to put into the fluid form that I was guided to do. As the Fibonacci Series form unfolded I had to populate the boxes with relevant and flowing information/activity. The deeper I got the more I was guided to include. And, as you can see, this is a serious, big, and mighty course that can require a lot from you…as you choose. I was inspired and intrigued by the addition of each new element. I felt confident that I could deliver in the time and space framework that I had intended. I failed to remember that in the spirit world time and space are irrelevant. The information amount was immense and varied and required research simultaneously to birthing aligned activities that would meet the course intention of in the now as if. In short I am putting in a great deal of time daily to make this happen. And I am immensely enjoying it as I download new ideas and info and pull in such a variety of resources.

And I must confess, that given the current framework model of 2 sessions followed by an integration week I am challenged to deliver in the way that I know I am called to do. I am at a point of choice. Modify the content or modify the structure. My preference is to honor the importance of the content and adjust how it is delivered. So…

Given that the information is provided to initiate and activate the inner remembering and give a wide swath of choices of where to place your focus/energy it is obvious that time is needed to fully integrate each session pair and allow you the opportunity to explore and apply as many of the additional elements as you choose. I want you to get as much as you possibly can out of this experience. This has been very important to me personally and through guidance as well.

And remember please, that the whole nature of our experience together is organic. Where I go with the content, though already laid out, is dependent on where you each are guided to go. The calls are my lifeline to the creation of the activities especially so that they meet you at your growth edge and pull out of you your more magnificent capacities to be your I Am That I Am Expressing As You in a fluid spiraling sequence.

So, here is what I am proposing after sharing this and letting solution percolate: It looks to me that the Session pair can stay in back to back weeks as I reveal and adjust the activities through that time. Then I propose a two week application time to really get into the other active elements to experience the revelations of doing as if. That means one session pair per month. And, yes, that extends the life of the course. I understand that this is not what was presented in the beginning and the form under which you committed. I ask you, though, to understand where I am coming from and see in the big picture how this will serve to not only integrate the information more fluently, but also give you ample time to play and explore and build your experience and trust in these new frequencies. I would be willing to offer another optional phone contact for each of you on the third or the fourth week, your choice, to assist through the extended application period.

And, to underscore the fluid nature of the work and the movement of energies in me as I open to facilitate this collective experience, I developed an infection after some extensive energy work (though I knew where it was coming from, I still chose a companion medical path to abate some particularly intense symptoms). The condition has moved on for now but an abscess in the upper root tip of my left upper molar necessitates an extraction and possible post for implant. The discomfort of this situation comes and goes so I have to get it done…and wouldn’t you know it, my appointment, the only opening, is next Tuesday. So, I unable to conduct the course from the dentist chair and will have to roll back next week’s session to the following week. That will allow us to start on the new framework, provided you are OK with that.

If any of you are having a challenge with this information please email me personally or post on the blog and we will move to find a working solution. To be honest, I am not currently in a position to offer a refund but I can guarantee work together that would meet your personal requirements and balance out financially.

I appreciate your understanding as the course takes shape and morphs into the best form for now. Your patience with me will be evidenced in the quality of my work and the more expansive experience I know you will have.

This is being sent as an email to you and is also posted on the blog. Please feel free to respond in either or both. By the way, I want to remind you of the importance and the “requirement” that you post weekly. Perhaps give an update on what you have done with session zero.

In gratitude and with many blessings,

Mark Stanton Welch

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Almost one week has passed since we took the first step forward. I hope you are becoming acquainted with the format and have found the exercises useful and expansive. As a reminder, some daily activity is a great flow to develop. Thirty minutes minimum will get you 210 minutes focus in a week...that is time well spent, especially since each activity opens another door of awareness that calls in new frequencies to reveal even more. Pay attention, show up, take action without hesitation. Develop your flow. Start listening to the nuances of your life for there is definitely energy coming in...specific information for you to breathe in and apply to your own forms of living. Life is showing up differently. Start dancing with it more and more...flow, flow, flow...We start with Session One next week on Tuesday and Wednesday. I shall see you there...