Saturday, September 30, 2017

I love my new Single Goat Toenail Rattle!

Good Morning Friends,
I have always loved the single goat toenail rattle at Mark's workshops. I ordered one for myself from It arrived on Wednesday and I played with it for awhile. When I went for my chiropractor appointment, he checked my energy level and chakra balance using muscle testing. My energy level was up to 80%, whereas the energy level for the last few months has been at 50%. Wow! My chakras were all clear and aligned. Was that because I played with the rattle? Was it because I have been saying the Chakra statements each morning this week? It doesn't really matter. I am happy.
Then on Thursday my friend, who is usually happy and upbeat came to help me adjust a new chair. She was in a nasty mood and she didn't want to share it so I said Would you like some help? At here affirmation that she would like some help,  I grabbed the rattle and shook all around her as we learned in the workshops. She was so pleased. She said, "I can feel the energy shifting and I feel so much better now." She got the information and ordered her own rattle. It feels so good to help someone who is open and appreciative of new ideas.
Enjoy your day, Linda

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Where is it?

Hi Folks
I am working on the Physical Body list and need some help in locating the human body/energy body silhouette. Have any of you found it? Please help me locate it. Thanks and enjoy your day. Linda

Monday, September 18, 2017

Inviting all to check in and update on your progress with reawakening...looks like we have a whole crew of people who live alone. If you are like me, there are lots of diversions and reasons to put my focus on whatever. I want to remind us of a collective energy we are building through our personal commitment to our own remembering. Been almost two weeks since any of us have left a word here. Once a week was what we are intending. Momentum and commitment grows by action...and yes, I am talking to me too. Been a curious time with all the storms and changes and this and that. WHo Am I is turning out to be quite a question...not the easiest one to answer. Here's to continuing to show up for you!...blessings and gratitude for you

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Asking for Help

So I was reading the section in Contact and Guidance and it suggested I ask for help more often. Yes, I know that is something I need to do. So, I am asking for help about the implants. I get that they are what I chose pre-birth and they are good things, so no scariness here. What I need help with is what kind of things are the implants. Are they things I am to do in this lifetime? Are they some things that I have already experienced? Are they feelings I need to experience in this lifetime? Are they certain people or kinds of people I planned to meet with? Are some of them the 12 Powers that Unity talks about? Everyone has these, maybe just not aware of not using them.
So anyone who can help me with this, I'd appreciate your response. 
Enjoy your day, Linda

Monday, September 4, 2017

Who I Am. What I Am. How I Serve

I read aloud the statements from Paul Selig's book before my meditation each morning. Afterwards, I tune in to one of the implants. And that's where things get interesting. 

Vibration. Body twitches. I'm now used to them. It took a while to get okay with the involuntary movements this go-round. My thoughts returned to previous physical episodes of seizure-like shakes that oftentimes had resulted in paralysis (a type of migraine I was eventually told). In the early days of these episodes, years ago, I would panic. I was trapped in my body, unable to move or communicate except for the weak squeezing of my hands or wiggling of my toes. And those actions took great effort. Some thought I'd had a stroke, others said it was the onset of MS. They were wrong, but planted the seeds that something dire was wrong with me. It wasn't. But I've healed that (thanks to my work with Mark), made peace with that, released the underlying cause of that. So what were these present jolts through my body?

The past several weeks have been a concentrated uploading. Imagine the thickest gloppiest frozen Trader Joe's orange juice kind of concentrated. 

When I tune into the Energetic Implants, what I'm perceiving as bursts of light crack open. It's like those cool plasma globes--electricity emanating out of a single point in my body. (I feel as if I should be sitting on a stainless steel shelf in a scientist's lab.) At first I simply felt the energy and had a jolt of twitching or jerking in that part of my body. I can now "see" the electricity, its color, hear sounds, tones, chords, that it creates. And in the last few days I'm realizing that it's not static within my body, but in fact simply the connection between myself and "others." The others are past and future versions of myself, other beings, other dimensions, other planes. There's emotion there. There's communication there. But not through words or even thoughts. Just a knowing. And a great sense of Love. Concentrated Love. 

It's difficult to put into words what I'm experiencing. My human brain wants to look to my past for clarification. Just as those initial seizure-like shakes 15 years ago brought up fear that I was having some sort of stroke, and the current ones initially led me to believe the migraines had returned, I so wanted to categorize this experience. But I cannot. It's beyond a sensoral, emotional, mental experience. It's connection. Connection to Source AS Source. All concentrated in these short electrical blasts. 

As a result, I'm stronger than I once was. Even a bit feistier. (Feisty is not a word that has ever been used to describe me!) I'm not afraid to ask for what I want because I'm being supported in every request. Every request. 

The result? New home to live in, new fun job with opportunity to make the money to support the healing work I'm doing, new positive people and situations entering my life. Endless opportunities. And endless gratitude. 

I believe the physical sensations are a reprogramming and lifting of my physical body. I believe my tuning in to the other aspects of self, previously hidden, concentrated centers that connect with Source, waiting to plug in for the uploads, have resulted in my body, at a cellular level, vibrating at a higher frequency. The very structure of my physical vehicle has shifted from the inside out. It's resonating on a new level. Some days I feel as if I glow in the dark. 

I trust this process. This statement continues to resonate with me:

"In my knowing, I align to my truth, and I lift my hands to be taken so that I may be lifted to the higher octave that is present now by my agreement. And as I allow myself to be lifted, I give my consent to support my world as it undergoes change. And as I accept this, I have faith in my being that the truth of who and what I am will keep me steady and knowing of my worth as a Divine Being in spite of all appearances, all claims, all fears that may be lifted to be witnessed as they are transformed. In my agreement, I say my name, ‘I know who I am in truth, I know what I am in truth, I know how I serve in truth, I am here, I am here, I am here.’ And as I say this, the song of my being claims me as the one who has said ‘yes’ to the journey she says ‘yes’ to in truth.”

So now I trust the twitching. I understand that for me this is how it's showing up, and I'm ok with it. And I live Who I Am, What I Am, and I Serve.